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Children’s views of conflict and unrest: Research progress in Southern Thailand

From 17 to 19 February 2007, Knowing Children facilitated the third stakeholder workshop for research on children’s perspectives of current conflict and unrest in Thailand’s southern provinces.

Southern Partner Organizations – Friends of Thai Muslim Women, Luk Riang, and Young Muslim Association of Thailand – met in Hat Yai to draft a protocol (researchers’ manual) for this research.

Piloting research instruments, and training youth researchers, will begin on March 2nd. Data collection in Narathiwat, Pattani, Songkla and Yala should be completed by mid April 2007. This research is unique in listening to children’s views on and experiences of the conflict and unrest, rather than focusing on adult interests or attempting to apportion culpability.

The photograph shows researchers from southern partner organizations working with Knowing Children Research Coordinator, Patima Daengchart, to design informed consent forms for the protocol.